Fig. 8. Associations of super-spreading event with infection rate and symptoms.
a The association with the lifestyle factor “celebrating carnival” was analyzed (questionnaire “have you celebrated carnival?” yes/no). Celebrating carnival was not limited to attending the main carnival event (Kappensitzung in Gangelt). Estimated infection rate (%; with 95% CIs) of participants not celebrating carnival (light gray) and participants celebrating carnival (dark gray). Point estimates (filled circles) and CIs were obtained by fitting a logistic GEE model with infection status as response variable and carnival (yes/no) as a factor covariable. The bars represent the raw percentage values. There was a positive association between celebrating carnival and infection status (OR = 2.56 [1.67; 3.93], p < 0.001, rho = 0.351 [0.162; 0.540]). Similar results were obtained when adding sex and age as covariables to the GEE model (OR = 3.08 [1.92; 4.95], p < 0.001, rho = 0.340 [0.126; 0.554]). Analyses were based on the 915 participants that had complete data in both the carnival and the infection variables. Error bars refer to 95% confidence intervals. b Estimated mean number of symptoms in infected participants not celebrating carnival (light gray) and in infected participants celebrating carnival (dark gray). Point estimates (filled circles) and CIs were obtained by fitting a quasi-Poisson model with the number of symptoms as response variable and carnival (yes/no) as a factor covariable. The quasi-Poisson model was used instead of a Poisson GEE model because the number of households was large relative to the number of analyzed study participants. There was a positive association between celebrating carnival and the number of symptoms (estimated relative mean increase = 1.63 [1.15; 2.33], p = 0.007). Similar results were obtained when adding sex and age as covariables to the model (estimated relative mean increase = 1.62 [1.12; 2.34], p = 0.011). Analyses were based on the 124 infected participants that had complete data in both the carnival and infection variables. Error bars refer to 95% confidence intervals. c Raw percentages of infected participants celebrating carnival, grouped by their numbers of symptoms. Numbers above bars indicate the total number of individuals in the respective group. All statistical tests were two-sided. Adjustments for multiple comparisons were made as indicated. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.