Fig. 2. Virtual rendering of the holotype of Ferromirum oukherbouchi gen. et sp. nov. PIMUZ A/I 4806, based on CT-data.
The virtual rendering shows the neurocranium, visceral arches, pectoral girdle and dorsal fin spine. a Ventral and b dorsal view with and c without braincase. d lateral view. Colour coding: grey, neurocranium (nc); turquoise, palatoquadrate (pq); yellow, Meckel’s cartilage (mc); dark green, hypohyal (hyp); light blue, hyoid (hyoid); orange, ceratohyal (chy); blue, epibranchials (epbr); red, ceratobranchials (cpbr); green, copula (cop); brown, fin spine (fs); purple, pectoral girdle (scor); light turquoise,? neural arches (neur).