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. 2020 Oct 12;2(11):629–639. doi: 10.1002/acr2.11177

Table 1.

Clinical and cost parameters used in MAP arm and SDLTs arm

Parameter MAP Arm SDLTs Arm Sources/Notes on Derivation
Clinical parameters
% with SLE among those with suspected SLE 9.2% 9.2% Dijkstra et al (4)
% with RA, SS, or other CTD among those with suspected SLE 58% 58% Dijkstra et al (4)
Ratio of RA to SS 1.44 1.44 Dijkstra et al (4); RA and SS represent CTDs with high and low postdiagnosis costs, respectively
Sensitivity 80% 83% Putterman et al (11)
Specificity 86% 76% Putterman et al (11)
Diagnosed with definitive CTD within year 1 71% 53% Hazard ratio of 1.74 for the assumed diagnosis rate applied a
Diagnosed with definitive CTD within year 2 87% 75% Hazard ratio of 1.74 for the assumed diagnosis rate applied a
Diagnosed with definitive CTD within year 3 90% 84% Hazard ratio of 1.74 for the assumed diagnosis rate applied a
Diagnosed with definitive CTD within year 4 91% 88% Hazard ratio of 1.74 for the assumed diagnosis rate applied a
Cost parameter
Incremental cost of MAP vs SDLTs $108 N/A Medicare allowable CY 2017
Average prediagnosis cost per patient with SLE/year $24 593 $24 593 MarketScan Data Claims Analysis
Average prediagnosis cost per patient without SLE/year b $17 495 $17 495 MarketScan Data Claims Analysis
Ratio of prediagnosis costs per patient without SLE: prediagnosis costs per patient with SLE 0.7114 0.7114 Costs for patient with newly diagnosed SLE without nephritis and matched control, Li et al (17)
Average per patient cost for mild SLE/year $7021 $7021 Garris et al (19)
Average per patient cost for moderate SLE/year $14 516 $14 516 Garris et al (19)
Average per patient cost for severe SLE/year $47 252 $47 252 Garris et al (19)
Average per‐year postdiagnosis cost for true‐positive c , d $18 123 $19 578 Garris et al (19)
Average true‐negative per year postdiagnosis cost d $10 375 $10 375 Kawatkar et al (20) and McDonald et al (21). Assume true‐negative managed as a mix of RA/SS
Average false‐positive per‐year postdiagnosis cost d $14 441 $14 441 Garris et al (19). Assume false‐positive managed like SLE, RA managed like mild/moderate/severe SLE, and SS managed like mild SLE
Average false‐negative per‐year postdiagnosis cost d $14 516 $14 516 Garris et al (19). Assume false negative managed similarly to Moderate Disease severity

Abbreviations: CTD, connective tissue disease; MAP, multivariate assay panel; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SDLT, standard diagnostic laboratory test; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; SS, Sjogren’s syndrome.


The diagnosis rate was converted into a base case hazard function to estimate the percent diagnosed for each year in the model (Figure 1).


Prediagnosis costs for patients who are SLE negative are based on the factor of 0.7114 from Li et al (17).


Case severity mix for SDLTs and associated postdiagnosis costs in each severity (ie, mild, moderate, and severe) category were sourced from Garris et al (19). SDLTs: mild SLE: 26% at $7021; moderate SLE: 52% at $14 516; severe SLE: 22% at $47 252. MAP: Costs for all severity grades of SLE are equivalent to those in the SDLTs arm; however, weights are adjusted: mild SLE, 36%; moderate SLE, 45%; and severe SLE, 19%


False‐positives: individuals without SLE who were diagnosed with SLE; false‐negatives: individuals who were incorrectly diagnosed as not having SLE; true‐negative: individuals who were correctly diagnosed as not having SLE; true‐positive: individuals who were correctly diagnosed as having SLE