Expression of ChR2 in astrocytes in the VLPO area following Ad-mediated gene transfer. A, Astrocytic expression of Ad-ChR2 (Ad-ChR2-Kat1.3) was confirmed by co-localization of GFAP (green) staining and ChR2-Kat1.3 (red) expression in the VLPO area. Asterisks indicate the virus injection sites. ChR2-Kat1.3 (red) was found in the membrane of GFAP-positive astrocytes (green), which was confirmed by reconstructed Z-section images. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). The results are representative of five experiments. B, C, Brain sections containing the VLPO region were subjected to immunofluorescence analysis to assess the expression of ChR2 in microglia or neurons. ChR2 expression (red) was not co-localized with either Iba-1 (B, green, a microglial marker) or NeuN (C, green, a neuronal marker). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). The results are representative of five experiments. D, E, Quantification of cells positive for Iba-1, NeuN, or ChR2-Kat1.3 around the VLPO region. Shown are the number of cells (a) and their co-localization (b). Each column and error bar represents the mean and SD from five experiments; n.d., not detected.