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. 2019 Oct 18;21(5):1717–1732. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbz093

Table 1.

Pathway enrichment methods for interpreting pathways characteristic of an experimental gene list

Tools Statistical approach Pathway database PMID
GO-Elite Hypergeometric distribution and Fisher’s exact test Gene Ontology, WikiPathways, KEGG, microRNA, user defined 22743224
GeneTrail Hypergeometric distribution and Fisher’s exact test KEGG, TRANSPATH, Gene Ontology, DIP 17526521
ConceptGen Modified Fisher’s exact test Gene Ontology, MiMI, KEGG, Panther, BioCarta 21715386
KOBAS 2.0 Binomial test, chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test and hypergeometric test KEGG, PID curated, PID BioCarta, PID Reactome, BioCyc, Panther 21715386
DAVID Kappa statistics Gene Ontology, PANTHER, BIND, MINT, DIP 17576678
Enrichr Fisher’s exact test and z score of the deviation from the expected rank by the Fisher’s exact test NCI-Nature, PANTHER, metabolic pathway, Gene Ontology, BioCarta, user defined 23586463
NEA Use z score to compute the enrichment statistics based on the interactome network topology KEGG, Gene Ontology, user defined 28361684
TopoGSA Target genes are mapped to an interaction network to compute topological properties and are compared with pathway genes PPI network, KEGG, BioCarta, Gene Ontology 20335277
TPEA TPEA measures topological properties of pathways of the genes and calculates the area under the enrichment curve KEGG 28968630
EnrichNet Target genes are mapped to a network, and random walk procedure scores the functional associations (distance) between target and pathway genes KEGG, BioCarta, Reactome, WikiPathways, Gene Ontolgy, NCI Pathway 22962466