Table 1.
Pathway enrichment methods for interpreting pathways characteristic of an experimental gene list
Tools | Statistical approach | Pathway database | PMID |
GO-Elite | Hypergeometric distribution and Fisher’s exact test | Gene Ontology, WikiPathways, KEGG, microRNA, user defined | 22743224 |
GeneTrail | Hypergeometric distribution and Fisher’s exact test | KEGG, TRANSPATH, Gene Ontology, DIP | 17526521 |
ConceptGen | Modified Fisher’s exact test | Gene Ontology, MiMI, KEGG, Panther, BioCarta | 21715386 |
KOBAS 2.0 | Binomial test, chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test and hypergeometric test | KEGG, PID curated, PID BioCarta, PID Reactome, BioCyc, Panther | 21715386 |
DAVID | Kappa statistics | Gene Ontology, PANTHER, BIND, MINT, DIP | 17576678 |
Enrichr | Fisher’s exact test and z score of the deviation from the expected rank by the Fisher’s exact test | NCI-Nature, PANTHER, metabolic pathway, Gene Ontology, BioCarta, user defined | 23586463 27141961 |
NEA | Use z score to compute the enrichment statistics based on the interactome network topology | KEGG, Gene Ontology, user defined | 28361684 |
TopoGSA | Target genes are mapped to an interaction network to compute topological properties and are compared with pathway genes | PPI network, KEGG, BioCarta, Gene Ontology | 20335277 |
TPEA | TPEA measures topological properties of pathways of the genes and calculates the area under the enrichment curve | KEGG | 28968630 |
EnrichNet | Target genes are mapped to a network, and random walk procedure scores the functional associations (distance) between target and pathway genes | KEGG, BioCarta, Reactome, WikiPathways, Gene Ontolgy, NCI Pathway | 22962466 |