Renal vasomotion analysis reveals significant differences in unilaterally denervated, bilaterally instrumented conscious rabbits. (A) Conscious, unilaterally denervated rabbit instrumented with an abdominal aortic pressure telemeter, a renal blood flow probe on the innervated (INV) kidney, and a renal blood flow probe on the surgically denervated (DNx) kidney. (B) Representative tracings of admittance gain for an INV kidney, admittance gain for a DNx kidney, phase shift for an INV kidney, phase shift for a DNx kidney, coherence for an INV kidney, and coherence for a DNx kidney from one rabbit are displayed. Non-parametric cluster mass-based statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences in the (C) admittance gain, (D) phase shift, and (E) coherence behavior for all 10 rabbits.