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. 2020 Nov 19;23(7):10623–10645. doi: 10.1007/s10668-020-01075-4

Table 2.

Correlation coefficients between the number of new COVID-19 cases during a 5-day period and the mean 5 days temperature, relative humidity, PM2.5 and CVI for the bi-monthly periods March–April, May–June and the 4-month period March–June 2020

Portugal (7 regions) Spain (19 regions) Italy (21 regions) U.K. (10 regions) France (13 regions) Belgium (3 regions) Netherlands (12 regions) Germany (15 regions) Swiss (23 regions) Poland (15 regions) Sweden (21 regions) Norway (11 regions) Balcans (6 regions) Europe (176 regions)
 Temperature − 0.14 (77) − 0.38* (231) − 0.59* (209) 0.21 (110) − 0.18 (143) 0.21 (33) 0.22 (132) − 0.05 (176) − 0.26* (253) 0.38* (176) 0.41* (231) − 0.19 (121) 0.21 (64) − 0.13 (1892)
 Relative humidity 0.27 (77) − 0.16 (231) − 0.11 (209) − 0.02 (110) − 0.56* (143) − 0.72* (33) − 0.62* (132) − 0.43* (176) − 0.11 (253) − 0.57* (176) − 0.48* (231) 0.3* (121) − 0.25 (64) − 0.06 (1892)
 PM 2.5 0.27 (77) 0.19* (231) 0.26* (209) 0.44* (110) 0.28* (143) 0.52* (33) 0.5* (132) 0.31* (176) 0.21* (253) − 0.07 (176) − 0.14 (231) − 0.14 (121) 0.43* (64) 0.21* (1892)
 CVI 0.16 (77) 0.13 (231) 0.3* (209) 0.44* (110) 0.23* (143) 0.51* (33) 0.47* (132) 0.31* (176) 0.21* (253) − 0.09 (176) − 0.18* (231) − 0.03 (121) 0.47* (64) 0.21* (1892)
 Temperature 0.09 (49) − 0.22* (252) − 0.07 (228) − 0.16 (120) − 0.24* (156) − 0.68* (36) − 0.36* (144) − 0.29* (192) − 0.23* (276) 0.33* (192) 0.32* (252) − 0.23 (11) − 0.07 (42) 0.11 (1908)
 Relative humidity 0.06 (49) 0.05 (252) − 0.1 (228) 0.07 (120) − 0.22* (156) − 0.21 (36) − 0.11 (144) − 0.02 (192) 0.14 (276) 0.26* (192) − 0.19* (252) 0.56 (11) 0.05 (42) 0.13 (1908)
 PM 2.5 0.32 (49) 0.14 (252) 0.1 (228) 0.22 (120) 0.27* (156) − 0.11 (36) − 0.06 (144) − 0.23* (192) − 0.16* (276) 0.33* (192) 0.11 (252) 0.65 (11) − 0.02 (42) 0.1 (1908)
 CVI 0.27 (49) 0.07 (252) 0.07 (228) 0.25* (120) 0.24* (156) − 0.15 (36) − 0.09 (144) − 0.24* (192) − 0.15 (276) 0.36* (192) 0.1 (252) 0.64 (11) 0.02 (42) 0.11 (1908)
 Temperature 0.02 (126) − 0.5* (483) − 0.6* (437) − 0.09 (230) − 0.43* (299) − 0.46* (69) − 0.37* (276) − 0.42* (368) − 0.42* (529) 0.35* (368) 0.49* (483) − 0.21 (132) − 0.07 (106) 0.11 (3800)
 Relative humidity 0.15 (126) − 0.13 (483) 0.13 (437) 0.02 (230) − 0.39* (299) − 0.39* (69) − 0.45* (276) − 0.38* (368) − 0.23* (529) 0.27* (368) − 0.3* (483) 0.3* (132) − 0.2 (106) 0.09 (3800)
 PM 2.5 0.29* (126) 0.33* (483) 0.29* (437) 0.36* (230) 0.37* (299) 0.28 (69) 0.16* (276) 0.11 (368) 0.27* (529) 0.15* (368) 0.04 (483) − 0.13 (132) 0.4* (106) 0.05 (3800)
 CVI 0.2 (126) 0.26* (483) 0.33* (437) 0.37* (230) 0.35* (299) 0.29 (69) 0.14 (276) 0.12 (368) 0.27* (529) 0.18* (368) 0.02 (483) − 0.01 (132) 0.4* (106) 0.05 (3800)

*Denotes statistically significant correlations at 99% c.l