Table 1.
Definition of parameters in the model.
Parameter | Definition |
xi | Random number |
t | The number of days into the simulation; t=1 for the day of the first infection |
trecovery | The average number of days for recovery (trecovery=28) |
tincubation = tinc. | The average number of days before an infection is seen (tincubation=6) |
tmax | The number of days over which the simulation is run |
St | The number of susceptible individuals on day t |
It | The number of infected (once) individuals on day t |
Rt | The number of recovered (once) individuals on day t |
I’t | The number of infected (2 or more times) individuals on day t |
R’t | The number of recovered (2 or more times) individuals on day t |
Dt | The number of deceased individuals from SARS-CoV-2 on day t |
Βt | The infection rate on day t |
γ | The recovery rate on day t |
mt | The death rate on day t |
N | The total population in the model; N = St + It + Rt + I’t + R’t + Dt ∀ t |
Ntinfected | The number of infected individuals on day t; Ntinfected = It + I’t |
Ntuninfected | The number of uninfected individuals on day t; Ntuninfected = St + Rt + R’t |
ntinfected | The number of new infections on day t; ntinfected = βtSt–tincubation(It–tincubation + I’t–tincubation) + βtRt–tincubation(It–tincubation + I’t–tincubation) + βtR’t–tincubation(It–tincubation + I’t–tincubation) |
ntrecovered | The number of recovering individuals on day t; ntrecovered = γtIt–trecovery + γtI’t–trecovery |
ntdeaths | The number of deaths on day t; ntdeaths = mtIt–1 + mtI’t–1 |
itfirst time | The number of first-time infections on day t (ie, the number of St → It transitions on day t) |