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. 2020 Jul 27;267(12):3741–3752. doi: 10.1007/s00415-020-10044-w

Table 1.

demographic, molecular and clinical features of the FD patients enrolled in the study

Gender Mutation Age of onset (years) Clinical onset Clinical involvement at last follow-up
1 F c.337T > C p.Phe113Leu 33
2 F c.337T > C p.Phe113Leu 27
3 M c.337T > C p.Phe113Leu 62 Myocardial infarction HCM, Arrhythmia, Myocardial infarction
4 M deletion exons 3, 4 9 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, HCM
5 M c.337T > C p.Phe113Leu 62 Arrhythmia Arrhythmia, HCM, Proteinuria, VBD
6 F deletion exons 3, 4 50 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia
7 M c.818T > C p.Phe273Ser 22 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, HCM, Arrhythmia, Proteinuria, Stroke, VBD
8 F c.337 T > C p.Phe113Leu 40 Stroke Stroke, Proteinuria
9 F c.550T > A 39 HCM HCM, Stroke
10 F IVS2-76_80 del15; IVS 4-16 A > G; IVS 6-22 G > T 30 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Stroke
11 F .-10 G > T, IVS 6-22 C > T; IVS 6-51_54 del14, g.9151 C > T 32 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Proteinuria, Stroke, GI disorders
12 M .-10 C > T; IVS 2-76_80 del 5; IVS 4-16 A > G; IVS 6-22 C > T 4 GI disorders GI disorders, Acroparesthesia
13 F .- 30 G > A 30 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Stroke, GI disorders
14 F .-10 C > T; IVS 2-76_80 del 5; IVS 4-16 A > G; IVS 6-22 C > T 35 Stroke Stroke, Acroparesthesia
15 F c.547 G > A p.G183S 17 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Proteinuria
16 M c.614delC 29 HCM HCM, Acroparesthesia
17 F c.614delC 12 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Stroke, HCM
18 F .-10 C > T; IVS 2-76_80 del 5; IVS 4-16 A > G; IVS 6-22 C > T 30 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia
19 M .-10 C > T; IVS 2-76_80 del 5; IVS 4-16 A > G; IVS 6-22 C > T 10 GI disorders GI disorders, Acroparesthesia, Proteinuria
20 F c.547 G > A p.G183S 22
21 M c.337 T > C p.Phe113Leu 40 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM
22 F c.1146C > A; p.C382X 12 Proteinuria Proteinuria
23 F p.Tyr222Asp 49 Proteinuria Proteinuria, Arrhythmia, GI disorders
24 M c.640-859C > T 32 HCM HCM, Arrhythmia, Proteinuria, VBD, GI disorders
25 F D313Y 31 VBD VBD, GI disorders
26 F p.Ala377Asp 32 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Arrhythmia, Proteinuria
27 F c.1146C > A; p.C382X 30 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, TIA, VBD, GI disorders
28 F c.640-859C > T 52 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM, Arrhythmia, VBD
29 F p.Tyr222Asp 13 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, VBD, GI disorders
30 F D313Y 36 cSVD cSVD, VBD, Proteinuria
31 F



32 F



41 Stroke Stroke
33 M c.818T > C p.Phe273Ser 62 HCM HCM, Arrhythmia, Proteinuria, cSVD, GI disorders
34 M N215S 64 HCM HCM, Arrhythmia
35 F c.334C > T p.Arg112Cys 62 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM, Arrhythmia, cSVD, VBD
36 F c.334C > T p.Arg112Cys 70 Arrhythmia Arrhythmia, HCM, cSVD, VBD
37 M c.334C > T p.Arg112Cys 37 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM, cSVD, VBD, Acroparesthesia
38 F c.334C > T p.Arg112Cys 33 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia
39 M p.Cys63Tyr 46 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, HCM, Arrhythmia, CKD, Stroke
40 F p.Arg118Cys 49
41 M p.Arg118Cys 18 HCM HCM
42 F c.97G > T p.Asp33Tyr 51 GI disorders GI disorders, HCM
43 M c.851T > C p.Met284Thr 34 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM, Arrhythmia, CKD
44 F c.113delG 6 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Proteinuria, TIA
45 F c.113delG 8 GI disorders GI disorders, Proteinuria, Acroparesthesia
46 F c.335G > A Arg112His 22 Proteinuria Proteinuria
47 F c.860G > A 8 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, HCM, Proteinuria, GI disorders
48 F c.860G > A 49 GI disorders GI disorders, HCM, Proteinuria
49 F c.779G > A 56 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM
50 F c. 846_847delTC 18 Proteinuria Proteinuria
51 M c. 846_847delTC 17 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM
52 F c. 846_847delTC 15 Proteinuria Proteinuria, PM, TIA
53 M C172Y 12 GI disorders GI disorders, Proteinuria
54 F C172Y 20 Proteinuria Proteinuria, HCM
55 M C172Y 23 Proteinuria Proteinuria
56 M c. 846_847delTC 62 Proteinuria Proteinuria
57 M C172Y 14 GI disorders GI disorders, HCM, Proteinuria
58 F c. 846_847delTC 25 Stroke Stroke, HCM, PM, Proteinuria, TIA
59 F c. 846_847delTC 12 Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia, Proteinuria
60 F C172Y 5

HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cSVD cerebral small vessel disease, VBD vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia, CKD chronic kidney disease, PM PaceMaker, GI gastrointestinal