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. 2020 Dec;7(12):1032–1045. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30339-4

Table 1.

Numbers of cases and controls in meta-analysis

European ancestry
African ancestry
European ancestry—case-control individuals
Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls
Case-control studies
CATS 958 453 .. .. 958 453
CADD 397 699 59 55 397 699
CHDS 201 420 .. .. 201 420
FSCD 226 314 199 401 226 314
COGEND Nico 306 607 154 313 306 607
COGEND SAGE 228 830 79 187 228 830
GEDI-GSMS 81 491 .. .. 81 491
ADAA .. .. 1000 811 .. ..
Total 2397 3814 1491 1767 2397 3814
Family-based studies
BLTS 170 1216 .. .. 147 662
MCTFR 449 1625 .. .. 389 1185
Yale Penn 1 916 833 1189 1857 839 657
Yale Penn 2 557 497 355 548 557 495
bigCOGA 2206 5053 813 1725 248 795
CEDAR 64 148 .. .. 64 148
OZ-ALC 593 4893 .. .. 470 1534
VTSABD 99 734 .. .. 94 361
IASPSAD 104 613 .. .. 84 353
Total 5158 15 612 2357 4130 2892 6190
Summary statistics
Add health 722 4071 .. .. .. ..
PGC studies total 8277 23497 3848 5897 5289 10 004
iPSYCH 2758 53326 0 0 2758 53 326
deCODE 6033 280 396 0 0 6033 280 396
Total (European ancestry) 17 068 357 219 .. .. 14 080 343 726
Total (Transancestral) 20 916 cases;36 3116 controls .. .. .. .. ..

ADAA=Alcohol Dependence in African Americans. BLTS= Brisbane Longitudinal Twin Study. CADD=Center on Antisocial Drug Dependence. CATS=Comorbidity and Trauma Study. CEDAR= Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research. CHDS=Christchurch Health and Development Study. COGA=Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. COGEND=Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence. FSCD=Family Study of Cocaine Dependence. GEDI=Gene-Environment-Development Initiative. GSMS=Great Smoky Mountains Study. IASPSAD=Irish Affected Sib-Pair Study of Alcohol Dependence. MCTFR= Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research. OZ-ALC=Australian Alcohol and Nicotine Studies. SAGE=Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment. VTSABD=Virginia Twin Studies of Adolescent Behavioral Development.