Figure 3.
Topographical maps of peak MEG responses to vibrotactile stimulation. In the upper panel, field distributions of the grand averaged M50 responses (mean values of ERFs over an active period between 46 and 66 ms) after left (first column) and right (second column) index finger stimulation were statistically compared with their respective baseline level, separately (N = 29, cluster-based permutation test, 1,000 runs, cluster-defining threshold p < 0.05, α = 0.05). In addition, the difference in M50 between left and right stimulation conditions, as well as the difference in baseline activity between conditions, was statistically tested for significance (N = 29, cluster-based permutation test, 1,000 runs, cluster-defining threshold p < 0.05, α = 0.05). Channels associated with significant clusters are indicated by asterisks. In the lower panel, the same analyses were applied as the upper panel but with M100 responses (mean values of ERFs over an active period between 90 and 110 ms). All plots are obtained for axial gradiometers.