Figure 4.
Source analysis of peak MEG responses to vibrotactile stimulation. The grand averaged source activity (A) for M50 responses and (B) for M100 responses are illustrated. The average z-scores with a 10 ms interval around each peak, i.e., 46–66 ms for M50 and 90–110 ms for M100, are plotted for the left index finger stimulation condition (top panel) and for the right index finger stimulation condition (middle panel), respectively. In the lower panel, the statistical t-maps of areas showing a significant difference between left and right stimulation conditions are plotted, with the red color indicating greater activity for the left index finger stimulation compared with the left index finger stimulation (permutation paired t-test, 10,000 randomizations, α = 0.01, FDR corrected). For each panel, views from the left hemisphere, top, and the right hemisphere are presented simultaneously.