Figure 1.
A – An MRI of the abdominal cavity and the retroperitoneal space with contrast medium, transverse section, showing a markedly enlarged spleen (its dimensions 17.3 × 8.5 cm, length x width, respectively) with non-homogenous nodular remodelling of its parenchyma. These numerous infiltrates of different size (from 5 to 60 mm) exhibit hypointense signals in T1 and T2- dependent sequences. B – An MRI of the chest with contrast medium, transverse section, showing mediastinal and perihilar lymphadenopathy and numerous small (size from 4 to 6 mm of a diameter) perilymphatic nodules, localized subpleurally and surrounding bronchovascular bundles. In the right middle lobe (segment 5) pericardial consolidations in the lung parenchyma with fibrotic strands, accompanied by irregular thickening of the peribronchium of the bronchial tree and peripheral bronchiectases are visible. C – An MRI of the neck, without contrast medium, frontal section, showing a thickening of the glottis, the aryepiglottic folds, the vestibular folds, and the vocal cords. At the level of the laryngeal inlet and upper part of the vestibule, the patency of the larynx is significantly reduced (to 2 mm of a diameter) with a slit-like upper part of the piriform sinus. In the oropharynx, hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue is visible