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. 2020 Nov 11;84(1):1–14. doi: 10.1111/cod.13722


Included studies demonstrating the irritation effects of n‐propanol and isopropanol on components of the stratum corneum

Intervention Substance Population, sex Measurement Author/year/location Clinical outcome Skin physiological measurements
NMF analysis

60% aq. n‐propanol

0,5% aq. SLS

25 (16F, 9M) healthy D Squame Angelova‐Fischer et al/ 2016/Netherlands 31

Reduction of NMF levels −55.4% with n‐propanol and −79.2%

Pretreatment with occlusion −60.8% and −87.4%, respectively

Patch test

0,5% SLS 0,15% sodium hydroxide 60% n‐propanol

2,0% acetic acid

8 (5F, 3M) healthy




D Squame

AFM (atomic force microscopy) DTI (dermal texture index)

Soltanipoor et al/ 2017/Netherlands, Germany, Denmark 45

55% reduction of NMF levels with n‐propanol, but as high as 75% with repeated exposure of SLS

Changes in corneocyte topography with n‐propanol, SLS and NaOH after 96 hours with increase in DTI and circular nano objects

n‐propanol caused only slight changes in TEWL and erythema, but a significant decrease in skin capacitance after 96 hours
Keratinocyte culture

0%, 0,1%, 0,5%, 1%, 2% – 10% increments of 70% w/w alcohol (ethanol, n‐propanol, isopropanol)

IL‐1a DuoSet ELISA development kit and TNF‐a DuoSet development kit

MTT assay Cartner et al/2016/USA,UK 26

Marked cellular toxicity and significant TNF‐α and IL‐ 1α release by the skin residential cell with n‐propanol, followed by isopropanol and ethanol

Occlusion‐modified tandem repeated irritation test n‐propanol (30%, 45%, 60%, 75% aq.)

20 (16F, 4M) healthy

20 (17F, 3M) atopic dermatitis

D‐SQUAME (NMF analysis) Angelova‐Fischer et al/ 2019/Germany, Austria, Netherland, Croatia 44 Cumulative exposure to n‐propanol reduced significantly the NMF levels in healthy and atopic skin equally

Note: ELISA, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay; F, female; M, male; MTT assay, cell viability assay; NMF, natural moisturizing factor; SLS, sodium lauryl sulfate.