Fig. 3.
A 37-year-old male patient, without any significant past medical history, was admitted to our hospital with oppressive chest pain, sweating, severe fatigue. At the swab was positive for COVID19. Sublingual nitroglycerin showed no clinical benefits with alterations in the LV Sax TIR T2 sequences (a–c) with patchy alterations in the LAx MDE sequences (d–f white arrows). Also the native T1 mapping showed an area of alteration (white arrow) with areas of hypersignal in the SAx MDE sequences (k–m). The T2 map shows in the same region of the T1 map area of alteration (n–p white arrow). The q–s panels show the ECV. Courtesy of Professor Gianluca Pontone MD—Centro Cardiologico Monzino (Milano)