Fig. 7. Network and relative importance analyses.
Network (A) of the intercorrelations between the measurements of TEWL (TEWL), total UCA (UCA), PCA (PCA), EOS CER/NS CER ratio (EOSNS), AD severity indices (EASI, NESS, and SCORAD), keratin expression (KRT5, KRT14, and KRT16), transcriptome PC1 (TPC1), the relative abundance of S. aureus (SAUR) and S. hominis (SHOM), and an indicator variable for AD FA+ (yes/no) based on peanut wheal size of ≥8 mm. TEWL measurements were done at STS 15; UCA, PCA and EOS CER/NS CER ratio were evaluated at STS layers 15 and 16. The color saturation and the width of the connecting lines correspond to the strength of the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the color of each connecting line indicates a positive (red) or negative (blue) correlation. Connecting lines are only shown for significant Pearson correlations (P < 0.01). Relative importance for prediction of AD FA+ (B) and TEWL STS 15 (C).