Peritoneal cells were harvested via lavage 4 hours (blue) or 3 days (red) following i.p. zymosan injection. a, Cell surface expression of indicated molecules on Ly6G gated cells. Upper panels, representative histograms. Lower panels, geometric Mean Fluorescence Intensity of Ly6G and CD14; % of cells that are CD101+(n=5 mice/group) One of 3 independent experiments shown. b, RNA was extracted from purified Ly6G+ cells. Arg1, IL4Ra, and MRC, measured by qPCR normalized to Actβ (n=5 mice/group) One of 3 independent experiments shown. c, Ly6G+ cells (NΦ), purified from zymosan-induced i.p. infiltrates, were adoptively transferred into the eyes of mice on days 0 and 3 post ONC injury. For negative controls, separate groups of mice were injected i.o. with PBS or naïve bone marrow neutrophils (BMNϕ) according to the same dosing regimen. Optic nerves were harvested 14 days later and analyzed by GAP-43 immunohistochemistry. The figure shows the density of regenerating axons in optic nerve sections, at serial distances from the crush site (n= 10 nerves per group). One experiment representative of 4 is shown. Statistical significance determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 compared with PBS; #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, compared with 4 hour NΦ). a,b Each symbol represents data obtained using inflammatory cells pooled from both eyes of a single mouse. Error bars depict mean +/− sem for all data sets.