a, ISI distribution (n=5,355). Circles=bin centers (±25 ms). b, Protocol for dubbing over cold pups. c, Retrieval probabilities from assay in (b). Warm (n=55 trials) vs. cold (n=25), single (n=20), 575 (n=22): p=0.0003 (two-tailed Fisher’s test, FDR correction; dams and EVs pooled). Retrieval rate±95% binomial CIs. d, In vivo two-photon Ca2+ imaging. Scale, 75 μm. e, Example ΔF/F traces and quantification. f, Excitatory neuronal tuning normalized to prototypes (EV: N=9 mice, NV: N=12; 375, p=0.050; one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni correction). g, In vitro whole-cell recordings in virgin auditory cortex. (75, n=10 cells; 175, n=14; 575, n=13; one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni correction). h, Left, operant paradigm: virgins turn off pup calls for duration of lever press. Right, example normalized learning trajectories (N=3 mice). i, Mean lever press duration (N=7 virgins per group; 75, p=0.24; 175, p=0.03; 575, p=0.13; paired two-tailed t-test). Data shown are mean±s.e.m. except (c); *p<0.05, **p<0.01.