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. 2020 Sep 9;258(12):2819–2829. doi: 10.1007/s00417-020-04919-x

Table 1.

Raw data on 37 cases of isolated choroidal melanocytosis. Cases are listed in ascending order by age at initial evaluation in the Ocular Oncology Service. This series includes 11 cases reported in 2006 [1]. Those 11 cases are identified by the case numbers assigned to them in the 2006 publication in the second column of this table

Case no. Case no. in 2006 series Age at 1st detection (year) Age at 1st OOS exam (year) Sex Eye LBD (mm) SBD (mm) Shape Relevant associated ocular features Systemic associations Follow-up (mo)
1 1 2 months 2 months F R 28.0 15.5 Circular-ovoid None None 73.9
2 2 8 months 8 months F L 15.5 13.5 Circular-ovoid None None 176.4
3 - 2 2 M L 6.0 5.0 Circular-ovoid None None -
4 - 2 2 M L 18.0 14.0 Circular-ovoid RB in fellow eye None 25.3
5 - 4 4 F R 6.0 4.5 Circular-ovoid None None 4.9
6 - 5 7 F R 37.0 23.5 Irregular-geographic None None 20.1
7 - 8 8 M L 8.5 6.5 Irregular-geographic None None 74.9
8 3 8 8 F R 16.0 10.5 Circular-ovoid None None -
9 - 8 8 F L 9.0 7.5 Circular-ovoid None Linear sebaceous nevus 99.6
10 - 9 9 F R 26.0 18.0 Irregular-geographic None None 6.4
11 - 9 10 F R 14.5 11.0 Irregular-geographic None None 14.8
12 - 11 11 F R 13.0 9.0 Irregular-geographic None None 45.3
13 - 12 12 F L 8.5 6.5 Irregular-geographic None None 0.9
14 - 12 12 M R 10.0 9.0 Circular-ovoid None None 9.6
15 4 14 14 F R 20.0 13.5 Circular-ovoid None None 26.4
16 - 14 15 M L 28.0 21.0 Irregular-geographic None None 13.1
17 5 12 17 F R 22.5 20.5 Irregular-geographic None Café au lait spot -
18 6 17 17 M L 13.0 9.5 Irregular-geographic None None 1.0
19 - 6 18 F R 15.5 15.0 Circular-ovoid None None 141.9
20 - 23 24 F L 13.5 10.0 Circular-ovoid None None 12.1
21 - 25 29 F L 10.0 9.0 Circular-ovoid CN in fellow eye; FANNUMs both eyes None 166.8
22 7 33 33 M R 13.0 8.5 Irregular-geographic None None 24.1
23 - 36 38 F L 9.5 8.5 Circular-ovoid None None 24.1
24 - 18 40 M L 19.0 9.5 Irregular-geographic sIUM IR & CH fellow eye; FANNUM ipsi. Congenital deafness -
25 - 41 41 M R 9.5 9.0 Circular-ovoid CMM arising in ICM None 182.1
26 8 28 41 M L 9.0 7.0 Circular-ovoid None None -
27 9 43 43 F L 8.5 7.5 Circular-ovoid FANNUM ipsi. None 0.6
28 - 45 46 M R 17.0 8.5 Irregular-geographic CMM in fellow eye None 39.9
29 - 41 50 F R 32.0 18.0 Irregular-geographic NONE None 105.1
30 - 58 58 M L 9.5 5.5 Irregular-geographic NONE None 36.2
31 - 64 64 M L 16.0 13.5 Irregular-geographic CMM arising in ICM None 28.8
32 10 70 70 F L 6.0 5.0 Circular-ovoid NONE None -
33 - 71 71 F R 5.5 4.5 Circular-ovoid NONE None 175.6
34 - 74 74 M R 15.0 10.5 Circular-ovoid CN in fellow eye None 12.1
35 - 84 84 F L 6.0 5.5 Circular-ovoid AMD dry in both eyes None 0.2
36 11 82 86 M L 6.5 6.0 Circular-ovoid FANNUM ipsi. None -
37 - 86 87 F R 21.0 18.0 Irregular-geographic CMM arising in ICM None 25.4

Legend for terms, acronyms, and abbreviations that appear in table (alphabetical order): AMD, age-related macular degeneration; CH, choroid; CMM, choroidal malignant melanoma; CN, choroidal nevus; F, female; FANNUMs, focal aggregates of normal or near-normal uveal melanocytes in choroid [20]; ICM, isolated choroidal melanocytosis; ipsi., ipsilateral (i.e., involving same eye as isolated choroidal melanocytosis); IR, iris; L, left; LBD, largest basal diameter (arc length) of melanocytic choroidal lesion, estimated cartographically to nearest 0.5 mm; M, male; mm, millimeters; mo, months; no., number; OOS, ocular oncology service (private ophthalmology practice of authors JJA and ZMC); R, right; RB, retinoblastoma; sIUM, sectoral isolated uveal melanocytosis; SBD, smallest basal diameter (arc length) of melanocytic choroidal lesion, estimated cartographically to nearest 0.5 mm; shape, shape of melanocytic choroidal lesion, categorized either as circular-ovoid or irregular-geographic