Fig. 4.
Activity of POD (A) and PPO (B) in control tomato leaf tissue (C) and after exposure to limonene slow release bottles (L), MeSA treatment (MeSA), herbivory from T. vaporariorum (Tv) and MeSA treatment + T. vaporariorum (MeTv) with error bars displaying standard error. Enzyme activity was analysed with one-way ANOVAs followed by Tukey HSD post-hoc tests. There was a significant difference in POD activity (Fig. 4a) between the treatments but no significant effect was observed in PPO activity (Fig. 4b). Tukey HSD post-hoc tests on POD activity revealed no significant difference between Control and Limonene treatments but significant differences between Control and MeSA, Tv, and MeTv treatments respectively. There was also a significant difference in POD activity between MeTV and MeSA and between MeTv and Tv. Significant differences between treatments are annotated onto the graph, bars with different letters (a, b or c) denote a significant difference between treatments