Table II.
Blind testing accuracies (reported in percentage) for all-optical (D2NN only), D2NN and perfect imager-based hybrid systems used in this work for Fashion-MNIST dataset. In the D2NN-based hybrid networks reported here, 5 different digital neural networks spanning from a single fully-connected layer to ResNet-50 were co-trained with a D2NN design, placed before the electronic neural network. All the electronic neural networks used ReLU as the nonlinear activation function, and all the D2NN designs were based on spatially and temporally coherent illumination and linear materials, with 5 diffractive layers. For a discussion on methods to incorporate optical nonlinearities in a diffractive neural network, refer to [15]. Yellow and blue colors refer to Δz = 40×λ and Δz = 4×λ, respectively. For the results reported in the all-optical part of this table, Fashion-MNIST objects were encoded in the amplitude channel of the input plane. When they are encoded in the phase channel (as in [15]), blind testing accuracies for a 5-Layer, phase-only (complex) D2NN classifier become 89.13% (89.32%) with Δz = 40×λ and 85.98% (88.54%) with Δz = 4×λ as reported in Table A2, as part of Appendix A.
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