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. 2020 Nov 20;20:487. doi: 10.1186/s12877-020-01902-3

Table 3.

Mortality in patients with oral SCC between the non-operative and operative treatment groups during the 5-year follow-up period (n = 358)

Univariate analysis Multivariable analysis
Crude HR 95% CI P valuea Adjusted HR 95% CI P valuea
Sex, male vs. female 1.125 0.681 1.860 0.645 0.900 0.529 1.529 0.696
Age group, ≥85 years vs. <85 years 1.529 0.612 3.821 0.364 1.172 0.395 3.482 0.775
Primary site, tongue vs. otherb 1.015 0.622 1.658 0.951 1.478 0.888 2.460 0.133
T stage, T3 + T4a + T4b vs. Tis + T1 + T2 3.511 1.909 6.458 < 0.001 1.410 0.439 4.525 0.564
N stage, N1 + N2a + N2b + N3a + N3b vs. N0 4.161 2.531 6.842 < 0.001 2.660 1.417 4.991 0.002
Stage, stage3 + 4a + 4b + 4c vs stage0 + 1 + 2 4.201 2.139 8.252 < 0.001 1.541 0.388 6.118 0.539
Treatment, operation vs non-operation 0.183 0.108 0.310 < 0.001 0.276 0.156 0.489 < 0.001

SCC squamous cell carcinoma, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval

a A Cox proportional hazard model was constructed using the variables with a P value < 0.1 in Table 2. M stage was not included because the percentage of M1 in those aged <85 years was zero

b Other primary sites included the lower gingiva, upper gingiva, buccal mucosa, oral floor, lip, and palate