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. 2020 Nov 19;20:708. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03405-w

Table 1.

Support package provided to community midwives

Support provided Supported by
5-days training in emergency obstetrics and newborn care (EmONC) using national EmONC training curriculum Save the Children
Antenatal care equipment: weighing scale – adult and infant; fetal scopes Save the Children
Intrapartum care equipment: vaginal examination kits; delivery kits, partographs Save the Children
Newborn resuscitation equipment – bag and mask/ambubag for ventilation (size 0 and 1) and penguin suction devices; baby outfits (sweater, cap/hat and socks) Save the Children
Infection prevention & control decontamination and waste segregation bucketsa Save the Children
Antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care job aids/protocols Save the Children
Service delivery registers - mother and child health booklets, antenatal care registers, delivery registers; postnatal care registers Sub-county health management team
Referral forms and registers and referral telephone numbers Sub-county health management team

aWhere sterilizing equipment were not available, link health facilities supported this function as appropriate