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. 2020 Nov 19;10(11):e039057. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039057

Table 4.

Number of events and costs per event per patient in a cohort of 1000 patients with cancer (2019, euros)

Rivaroxaban Dalteparin Incremental
No of events Costs per patient No of events Costs per patient No of events Costs per patient
Base case (5-year time horizon)
Event costs
 Recurrent VTE 191 €311.85 275 €442.92 −84 −€131
  Non-fatal symptomatic recurrent PE 33 €168.36 48 €239.13 −15 −€71
  Non-fatal incidental recurrent PE 58 84 −26
  Non-fatal recurrent DVT 83 €59.31 120 €84.23 −37 −€25
  Fatal recurrent VTE 17 €84.18 24 €119.56 −7 −€35
 ICH 11 €550.70 9 €438.40 2 €112
 Non-ICH MB 98 €1106.87 79 €902.47 19 €204
 Fatal MB 5 €51.48 4 €41.98 1 €10
 CRNMB 197 €56.28 92 €26.93 105 €29
 PTS 61 €92.72 61 €92.37 0 €0
 CTEPH 20 €223.79 20 €222.83 0 €1
Total event costs €2705.54 €2610.83 €95
Treatment costs €548.83 €2270.33 −€1721
Indirect costs €196.31 €177.08 €19
Scenario 1 (6-month time horizon)
Event costs
 Recurrent VTE 38 €58.95 109 €166.96 −70 −€108
  Non-fatal symptomatic recurrent PE 7 €31.82 19 €90.14 −12 −€58
  Non-fatal incidental recurrent PE 12 33 −21
  Non-fatal recurrent DVT 17 €11.21 47 €31.75 −31 −€21
  Fatal recurrent VTE 3 €15.91 9 €45.07 -6 −€29
 ICH 6 €142.82 4 €94.25 2 €49
 Non-ICH MB 50 €539.38 33 €355.95 17 €183
 Fatal MB 2 €25.09 2 €16.56 1 €9
 CRNMB 130 €35.99 38 €10.62 91 €25
 PTS 14 €20.59 14 €20.56 0 €0
 CTEPH 3 €21.96 3 €21.93 0 €0
Total event costs €903.72 €2639.25 −€1736
Treatment costs €479.40 €1947.45 −€1468
Indirect costs €36.50 €38.39 −€2

CRNMB, clinically relevant non-major bleeding; CTEPH, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; ICH, intracranial haemorrhage; MB, major bleeding; PE, pulmonary embolism; PTS, post-thrombotic syndrome; VTE, venous thromboembolism.