A) Immunofluorescence of HeLa (top) and RPE-1 cell (bottom) showing the colocalization of centromeres with the nucleolus, as marked with antibodies against Fibrillarin and centromeres (ACA). (
B) Quantification reveals that depletion of CENP-B does not affect centromere-nucleolar associations. (
C) Induction of Ki67 and Fibrillarin knockouts results in increased levels of alpha-satellite transcription, particularly for Ki-67, as tested by both ASAT and SF1 probe sets. The cell lines used for this experiment represent inducible knockout cells, in contrast to the stable Ki67 knockout analyzed in
Figure 5F,G. Error bars represent the mean and standard deviation of at least 240 cells. (
D) Validation of Ki67 stable knockout via immunofluorescence using antibodies against Ki67. Control cells (top) display clear Ki67 localization when compared to the clonal knockout cell line (bottom). Despite the persistently increased alpha-satellite transcript levels, there was no notable consequences to centromere protein levels (based on the localization of CENP-A). (
E) RT-qPCR for alpha-satellite transcripts from chromosome 21 reveals no significant change in alpha-satellite transcript levels for the Ki67 knockout despite a 2–3 fold increase in alpha-satellite transcript levels for both the ASAT and SF1 smFISH probes (
Figure 5F,G). The mean of 3 biological replicates was plotted and error bars represent the standard deviation. (
F) Graph showing quantification CENP-A intensity in control and Ki67 stable knockout cells. Each point represents the average of the centromeres within a single cell. N = 15 cells/condition. Scale bars, 10 µm.