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. 2020 Nov 20;15(11):e0242671. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242671

Table 1. Descriptive data of official diagnostic of pre-sarcopenia, low muscle mass, obesity, sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity stratified by sex.

Variables Pre-Sarcopenia Low Muscle Mass Obesity Sarcopenia Sarcopenic Obesity
Present Absent Present Absent Present Absent Present Absent Present Absent
Female sample
n 19 110 81 48 23 106 13 43 8 33
Age (years) 49±9 47±10 47±10 48±9 53±6* 47±10* 49±10 48±9 52±5 46±9
Dialysis/kidney transplant time (month) 75±51 70±62 76±68 66±44 78±60 72±63 79±51 67±44 75±72 61±45
eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 35.34±38.69 42.29±29.01 50.31±31.30* 32.02±25.29* 39.01±27.59 42.34±30.69 57.20±46.83 34.58±25.93 79.43±29.28* 33.55±29.63*
KT/V 1.96±0.56 2.02±0.78 2.04±0.79 1.93±0.59 1.76±0.30 2.04±0.78 1.94±0.59 1.91±0.61 1.89±0.17 2.01±0.59
Weight (kg) 61±14 65±13 58±9* 77±10* 80±9* 61±12* 56±11* 77±10* 72±6 73±9
Body mass index (kg/m2) 26±5.5 26±5.1 24±4.1* 30±4.4* 34±2.9* 25±4.0* 24±4.6* 30±4.5* 32±2.9* 28±3.4*
Hand grip strength (kg) 13.4±1.8* 22.7±4.6* 20.0±4.4** 23.6±6.2* 19.6±4.6 21.8±5.5 14.0±1.0* 25.0±4.9* 16.5±1.4* 24.8±6.5*
Phase angle (°) 5.33±1.40 5.58±0.85 5.41±0.98* 5.77±0.82* 5.51±0.70 5.55±0.98 5.32±1.55 5.82±0.79 5.51±0.78 5.88±0.85
Over-hydration (L) -0.11±1.79 -0.22±1.29 -0.20±1.33 -0.21±1.42 -0.71±1.33* -0.10±1.35* -0.35±1.78 -0.30±1.36 -1.40±0.91* -0.15±1.44*
Appendicular lean mass (kg) 13.5±2.9 14.7±2.9 12.7±1.4* 17.5±2.2* 15.8±2.5* 14.2±2.9* 12.1±1.6* 17.5±2.2* 13.1±0.9* 17.6±2.4*
Lean mass (kg) 31.7±6.8 33.9±6.1 30.0±3.3* 39.7±5.1* 36.6±5.6* 32.9±6.2* 28.7±4.3* 39.7±5.1* 30.7±2.1* 39.7±5.6*
Trunk fat mass (kg) 12.6±4.7 12.8±4.7 10.9±3.9* 15.8±4.4* 19.4±3.1* 11.3±3.6* 11.1±4.4* 15.7±4.5* 18.1±3.0* 13.8±3.4
Fat mass (kg) 23.4±8.4 24.8±8.2 21.4±7.0* 30.1±7.3* 36.9±3.9* 22.0±6.3* 21.2±7.9* 30.2±7.4* 35.4±4.0* 26.6±5.7*
Appendicular lean mass index (kg/m2) 5.8±1.1 5.9±1.0 5.3±0.6* 6.8±0.8* 6.6±0.9* 5.7±0.9* 5.3±0.7* 6.8±0.8* 5.7±0.4* 6.7±0.8*
Lean mass index (kg/m2) 13.6±2.3 13.6±2.1 12.5±1.3* 15.5±1.9* 15.3±1.9* 13.2±1.9* 12.5±1.5* 15.4±1.9* 13.5±0.9* 15.1±1.9*
Fat mass index (kg/m2) 10.1±3.7 9.9±3.4 8.9±3.1* 11.8±3.1* 15.5±1.4* 8.9±2.4* 9.3±3.6* 11.8±3.1* 15.5±1.9* 10.2±2.2*
Lean mass/Fat mass 1.5±0.55 1.5±0.48 1.5±0.50 1.4±0.46 1.00±0.1* 1.6±0.47* 1.5±0.62 1.4±0.47 0.9±0.06* 1.6±0.47*
Male sample
n 11 127 51 86 51 96 5 81 11 53
Age (years) 48±10 47±10 48±11 47±10 49±9 47±11 48±10 47±10 52±5* 46±11*
Dialysis/kidney transplant time (month) 125±61 74±62 75±67 79±60 63±43 81±68 142±62 78±60 57±54 85±68
eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 34.74±34.23 46.71±29.05 55.65±28.84* 41.44±28.82* 42.09±29.21 47.94±29.58 48.97±51.90 42.58±29.24 57.12±28.67 41.79±28.50
KT/V 1.63±0.22 1.68±0.55 1.67±0.51 1.67±0.56 1.66±0.74 1.67±0.48 1.75±0.13 1.71±0.58 1.41±0.08 1.61±0.41
Weight (kg) 72±14 78±15 64±8* 84±13* 91±10* 71±12* 62±12* 85±13* 76±3 78±11
Body mass index (kg/m2) 27±4.1 27±4.8 24±3.3* 29±4.5* 32±3.0* 25±3.3* 24±2.3* 29±4.5* 29±2.1* 26±3.1*
Hand grip strength (kg) 22.4±3.2* 40.6±7.1* 35.7±6.7* 41.3±8.6* 38.3±7.8 39.7±8.7 20.9±3.8* 42.4±7.4* 35.2±5.0* 42.7±8.7*
Phase angle (°) 5.52±1.28 6.34±0.86 6.20±0.89 6.32±0.94 6.29±0.80 6.27±0.97 5.25±0.93* 6.35±0.89* 6.30±0.69 6.33±1.01
Over-hydration (L) 1.39±2.46 0.45±1.66 0.11±1.40* 0.74±1.87* 0.32±1.68 0.59±1.76 1.36±1.99 0.71±1.80 -0.51±1.73 0.90±2.02
Appendicular lean mass (kg) 19.1±3.0* 22.2±3.9* 17.9±1.6* 24.3±2.8* 23.5±3.8* 21.3±3.8* 16.8±2.5* 24.5±2.8* 17.9±0.9* 23.9±2.7*
Lean mass (kg) 42.7±6.9 47.6±7.9 39.4±3.8* 51.7±6.0* 51.3±7.6* 45.4±7.5* 37.1±5.2* 52.0±6.1* 40.8±2.5* 50.4±5.8*
Trunk fat mass (kg) 12.5±4.5 12.5±5.2 10.1±4.3* 13.7±5.2* 18.0±2.9* 9.9±3.8* 10.4±4.7 13.8±5.2 16.3±2.7* 10.8±3.9*
Fat mass (kg) 22.1±7.2 21.8±8.3 17.8±6.6* 24.1±8.2* 30.8±4.6* 17.9±6.0* 18.3±6.7 24.2±8.2 27.7±3.4* 19.4±6.3*
Appendicular lean mass index (kg/m2) 7.1±0.9 7.7±1.1 6.6±0.6* 8.3±0.9* 8.3±1.1* 7.3±1.0* 6.4±0.6* 8.3±0.9* 6.9±0.6* 8.0±0.8*
Lean mass index (kg/m2) 15.8±2.0 16.5±2.4 14.4±1.5* 17.6±2.0* 18.2±2.1* 15.7±2.1* 14.2±1.1* 17.7±2.0* 15.6±1.2* 16.9±1.7*
Fat mass index (kg/m2) 8.2±2.4 7.6±2.9 6.5±2.5* 8.2±2.9* 11.0±1.6* 6.1±1.9* 6.9±1.9 8.2±2.9 10.6±1.5* 6.5±1.9*
Lean mass/Fat mass 2.1±0.61 2.5±1.17 2.6±1.2a 2.5±1.1 1.7±0.29* 2.9±1.20* 2.2±0.72 2.5±1.14 1.5±0.24* 2.9±1.23*

*: unpaired Student t-test between present and absent subgroups for the same diagnostic, p≤0.05 (highlighted in bold). Cutoffs applied: for Pre-sarcopenia diagnostic, HGS<16kg for women, HGS<27kg for men [10]; for low muscle mass diagnostic, ALM<15kg for women, ALM<20kg for men [10]; for obesity diagnostic, FMI>13kg/m2 for women, FMI>9kg/m2 for men [14]. For sarcopenia diagnostic, presence of diagnostic was applied if there is a concomitant presence of pre-Sarcopenia and low muscle mass diagnostics, and absence of sarcopenia diagnostic in the absence of both, pre-Sarcopenia and low muscle mass diagnostics [10]. For sarcopenic obesity diagnostic, presence of diagnostic was applied if there is a concomitant presence of low muscle mass and obesity diagnostics, and absence of sarcopenic obesity diagnostic in the absence of both, low muscle mass and obesity diagnostics. Appendicular lean mass, appendicular lean mass index, fat mass, fat mass index, fat mass of the trunk, and lean mass/fat mass, by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis. Phase angle and over-hydration by bioelectrical impedance analysis.