Treatment with 1m‐6 attenuates lipid accumulation and plaque formation in atherosclerosis‐prone mice. (a) Representative light microscopy pictures of the 1m‐6‐treated (n = 6) or DMSO‐treated (n = 5) aortic arches in LDL receptor knockout (Ldlr −/− ) mice fed a high‐fat diet (HFD). (b) Representative en face ORO staining and quantitative results of the 1m‐6‐treated (n = 6) or DMSO‐treated (n = 5) whole aortas from Ldlr −/− mice fed an HFD. (c and d) Representative histological analysis and quantitative results of sliced arteries from 1m‐6‐treated (n = 6) or DMSO‐treated (n = 5) Ldlr −/− mice fed an HFD with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (c) and ORO staining (d). The results are expressed as the median with individual data. Significance is presented as * P < 0.05 versus the indicated group