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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Nov 22.
Published in final edited form as: J Hypertens. 2019 Apr;37(4):685–695. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001966

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants, by sex (N=894).

Overall N (weighted %) Men N (weighted %) Women N (weighted %) p-value men vs women
Total N (weighted %) 894 (100%) 350 (41.6%) 544 (58.4%)


 Village de Dieu 271 (27.7%) 106 (30.6%) 165 (25.7%) <0.001
 Cite Plus 165 (13.2%) 66 (16.8%) 99 (10.6%)
 Martissant Littoral 254 (24.3%) 103 (24.6%) 151 (24.1%)
 Cite Eternel 204 (34.8%) 75 (28%) 129 (39.7%)
 Median (IQR) 28 (22-39) 30 (23-41) 27 (22-39)
 18-24 263 (34%) 96 (28.6%) 167 (37.8%) 0.013
 25-30 212 (23%) 79 (23.5%) 133 (22.6%)
 31-44 263 (23.5%) 112 (26.6%) 151 (21.4%)
 ≥45 156 (19.5%) 63 (21.3%) 93 (18.2%)
Highest education level attended
 No formal education 68 (7.3%) 11 (3.8%) 57 (9.8%) 0.036
 Primary 286 (28.7%) 99 (28.7%) 187 (28.8%)
 Secondary 461 (54.1%) 200 (56.2%) 261 (52.6%)
 Higher 78 (9.9%) 39 (11.3%) 39 (8.8%)
Marital status
 Married / cohabitating 427 (45.4%) 168 (49.2%) 259 (42.8%) 0.001
 Single 370 (45.2%) 161 (45.6%) 209 (44.9%)
 Widowed / divorced / separated 97 (9.4%) 21 (5.2%) 76 (12.3%)
Income per day
 None 308 (40.1%) 91 (26.0%) 217 (50.1%) <0.001
 Up to 100 goudes 178 (17.7%) 53 (16.0%) 125 (18.9%)
 More than 100 goudes 385 (42.2%) 192 (58.0%) 193 (31.0%)
Time in current neighborhood
 Less than a year 137 (14.7%) 44 (10.3%) 93 (17.7%) 0.001
 1-3 years 244 (25.3%) 95 (23.9%) 149 (26.3%)
 >3 years but not whole life 230 (28.2%) 83 (27.4%) 147 (28.7%)
 Whole life 282 (31.8%) 127 (38.4%) 155 (27.2%)
[Among ever migrants] Previous residence
 Another slum in Port-au-Prince 253 (36.3%) 86 (33.9%) 167 (37.8%) 0.066
 Elsewhere in Metropolitan Port-au-Prince 152 (26.6%) 54 (24.2%) 98 (28.0%)
 Elsewhere in Haiti or abroad 205 (37.1%) 81 (41.9%) 124 (34.2%)
Away from current home for >1 month at a time in past year 187 (21.7%) 67 (23.1%) 120 (20.7%) 0.367

Cardiovascular disease risk factors

 Underweight (<18.5) 78 (9.3%) 34 (10.2%) 44 (8.7%) <0.001
 Normal (18.5-<25) 462 (53.8%) 230 (69.2%) 232 (42.9%)
 Overweight (25-<30) 232 (26.6%) 62 (17.0%) 170 (33.4%)
 Obese (>=30) 100 (10.3%) 11 (3.6%) 89 (15.1%)
Central obesity 325 (35.8%) 21 (7.9%) 304 (55.4%) <0.001
Currently smokes cigarettes 68 (7.2%) 47 (11.8%) 21 (3.9%) <0.001
Consumes alcohol at least twice per week 148 (17.7%) 109 (32.1%) 39 (7.4%) <0.001
Number of days/week drinks soda/sugary drinks (median, IQR) 2.1 (0.5-6.1) 2.4 (1.1-6.1) 1.9 (0.1-6.1)
Mean number of days/week eats fresh fruit/vegetables (median, IQR) 1.6 (0.7-2.8) 1.6 (0.9-2.6) 1.6 (0.6-3.0)
Eats at least one fried meal per day 606 (68.7%) 247 (69.1%) 359 (68.4%) 0.854
Always or often adds salt or salty seasoning to foods 262 (33.2%) 95 (28.8%) 167 (36.3%) 0.004
Lives in a household with indoor cooking over charcoal, wood, or fire 517 (65.7%) 196 (61.3%) 321 (68.8%) <0.001
Psychological distress score (median, IQR) 9.9 (6.7-12.0) 9.2 (5.7-11.7) 10.6 (7.3-12.3)

Health status and healthcare access

Health problem keeps from working 198 (20.2%) 59 (17.4%) 139 (22.3%) 0.108
Sought medical care in past year 304 (35.6%) 93 (26.8%) 211 (41.8%) <0.001
Did not receive needed care in past 6 months 235 (26.3%) 90 (25%) 145 (27.2%) 0.552

Household environment

Number of HH members (median, IQR) 4.4 (2.9-6.0)
A HH member owns dwelling 421 (46.8%)