Figure 5.
Targeting cell types of anatomical interest. (A) Colored regions indicate structures within the Drosophila CNS for which comprehensive libraries of cell type-specific Split Gal4 drivers have been made. Targeted cell types include those of the medulla (blue) and lobula (red) in the optic lobes. In the central brain, cell types of the mushroom body (MB; light green), lateral horn (LH; light brown), and parts of the central complex (magenta) have been targeted. Also, over 100 Split Gal4 drivers have been made that target diverse neuron types that send descending projections from the brain into the ventral nerve cord (dark green). See text and Table 1 for references and details. (B) Examples of Split Gal4 drivers that target MB neurons. One driver, PPL1-α3(2), labels two dopaminergic input neurons (magenta) with axonal projections to the α-lobe. The MBON-α3(2) driver labels two output neurons (green) with dendritic fields in the α-lobe. The overlapping expression appears light blue and MB lobes are shaded lightly in white. Inset: the five lobes of the MB formed by Kenyon Cell axons. α, α’ lobes, vertical blue and yellow, respectively; β, β’ lobes, horizontal blue and yellow, respectively; γ lobe, orange. The α3 compartments of the α-lobe, which is targeted by both the PPL1-α3 and MBON-α3 processes are outlined. (C) The topology of MB circuits deduced from the anatomical analysis of the MB Split Gal4 drivers. The axons of the Kenyon Cells (gray lines) form the lobes of the MB, which divides into 16 compartments (rounded rectangles). Each compartment is characterized by its distinct inputs (mostly dopaminergic PPL and PAM neurons) and outputs (MB output neurons, MBONs), examples of which are shown. (D) Examples of Split Gal4 drivers that target local (LHLN; magenta), input (LHIN; blue), and output (LHON; green) neurons of the LH. Driver names are as indicated. Arrows point to cell bodies. (E) Schematic summarizing the anatomy and function of LH neuron types and their roles in olfactory processing relative to the MB. Panel (A) generated from Virtual Flybrain, with DN from Namiki et al. (2018); panels (B,C) adapted from Aso et al. (2014a); panels (D,E), adapted from Dolan et al. (2019).