Sulforaphane (SFN) improves grip strength, exercise performance, and numbers of skeletal muscle stem cells in the mouse. (a) Combined forelimbs grip test was used to measure the muscle strength of mice. (b) After acclimatization, mice were made to run on a treadmill with a 10% slope and increasing speed to exhaustion. SFN supplemented diet significantly (*p < .05 and ****p < .0001 by a t test) improved exercise capacity and grip strength of old mice (n = 10). Batches of myofibers from the same group were coimmunostained for Pax7 (c) and MyoD (d). Values represent population mean from the pooled data from T72 myofibers from young and old age group supplemented with SFN or control diet alone. The number of satellite cells in each category is expressed as a mean percentage of the total immunostained cells present on the myofiber (***p < .001 by a t test, two‐way ANOVA)