Figure 6 |. Liver- but not kidney-specific Agt KO abrogates the increase in renal angiotensin II (AII) induced by podocyte injury.
Control (Cont) and kidney Agt knockout (KO) mice (Kid KO) showed dose-dependent increase in renal AII after LMB2 in a similar manner. In contrast, both liver Agt KO (Liv KO) and dual Agt KO (Dual KO) mice uniformly showed low renal AII both before and after LMB2. One liver Agt KO mouse injected with 2.5 ng per g body weight (BW) of LMB2 showed exceptionally high renal AII. The level of renal Agt mRNA in this mouse was not elevated, and was lower than the average value of control Agt mice without LMB2. Horizontal bars represent means.