Fig. 2.
Overexpression of circ-ERBIN promotes proliferation, migration, invasion of CRC in vitro and in vivo. a-c CCK8, EdU and colony formation assays in circ-ERBIN op stable cells and its control pLCDH cells. d Cell migration and invasion assays were performed and measured in circ-ERBIN op stable cells and its control pLCDH cells. Data are means ± SD. *, P<0.05 vs pLCDH. e-g HCT116 stably expressed circ-ERBIN or pLCDH vector were injected into BALB/C nude mice. Tumor volumes and weights were analyzed. h-i HCT116 cells (2 × 106 cells/mouse) with circ-ERBIN overexpression were injected through tail vein into nude mice to produce lung metastasis model of CRC. h Eight weeks later, mice were sacrificed and lungs were isolated (upper panel). Lung weight/Body weight value (mg/g) was calculated (bottom panel). i Images of H&E staining are shown and tumor area was measured