Mean±sd diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) % predicted values at 0 (baseline/treatment initiation), 1, 2 and 3 years following treatment with antifibrotics. a) Analysis based on as-observed (nonimputed) data. Data for all patients were available at time 0. At 1 year, data were available for 24 patients, as for six patients DLCO measurements were not available. At 2 years, we had available data for 17 patients, as two patients had died, and 11 patients had either been lost to follow-up or had not reached this time point. At 3 years, we had available data for 14 patients, as four patients had died, and 12 patients had either been lost to follow-up or had not reached this time point. DLCO % pred values at 0, 2, and 3 years are normally distributed, while values at 1 year do not follow a normal distribution. b) Analysis after imputing measurements missing due to death. Missing data due to death (n=2 at 2 years; and n=4 at 3 years) were imputed at a DLCO % predicted value of 15%, considered the lowest arbitrary value compatible with life. DLCO % predicted values at 0 and 2 years are normally distributed, while values at 1 and 3 years do not follow a normal distribution. #: median (interquartile range (IQR) 43.0 (31.0–58.0)% pred; ¶: median (IQR) 25.5 (15.0–45.0)% pred.