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. 2020 Nov 10;6(4):00265-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00265-2020


Participant characteristics

All participants, except where noted Moulds+ Moulds SEs+ SEs Healthy subjects p-value# p-value
Subjects n 84 14 42 15 41 28
General indices
 Age years 60 (50, 67) 62 (44, 66) 61 (51, 67) 63 (50, 66) 60 (51, 68) 59 (42, 67) 0.61 0.68
 Female sex 35 (42) 3 (21)§ 16 (46) 2 (13)§ 17 (41) 16 (57) 0.06 0.01
 Body mass index kg·m−2 23.3 (20.6, 25.3) 24.0 (20.1, 26.3) 23.5 (21.5, 25.1) 22.7 (19.9, 26.0) 23.9 (21.9, 25.5) 21.6 (20.6, 24.3) 0.59 0.43
 Smoking history, never 45 (54) 7 (50)§ 16 (38)ƒ 5 (33)§ 18 (44)ƒ 22 (79) 0.003 0.003
 Pack-years## 15.5 (5.3, 30) 10 (1.6, 26.3) 20 (7.3, 30) 17.5 (8.1, 30.4) 16.3 (5, 30) 14 (4.9, 32) 0.50 0.97
Disease indices
 Past history of ESS¶¶ 11 (20) 3 (21) 8 (19) 4(27) 7 (17)
 Presence of asthma¶¶ 20 (36) 10 (71)+ 10 (24) 9 (60)+ 11 (27)
 Duration of sinusitis years¶¶ 3 (1, 10) 2.5 (1, 8) 3.5(1, 10) 2 (1, 7.5) 3.5 (1, 10)
 Duration of asthma years++ 5 (1, 12) 11 (4, 13) 3 (1, 6) 2.5 (1, 6) 10 (3, 14)
 ICS dose µg·day−1++ 450 (340, 640) 520 (380, 680) 450 (240, 640) 500 (360, 840) 400 (320, 640)
 GINA2015 Treatment step n (2/3, 4)++ 10, 10 4, 6 6, 4 4, 5 6, 5
 Conventional allergen sensitisation¶¶

Data are presented as median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. ESS: endoscopic sinus surgery; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; mould: Alternaria and Aspergillus; SEs, Staphylococcus enterotoxins A and B; conventional allergens: house dust mite, dog dander, cat, Japanese cedar, mixed Gramineae and mixed weed; H: healthy subjects. #: Compared among moulds+, moulds and H using Kruskal–Wallis test or Chi-squared test; : compared among SEs+, SEs and H using Kruskal–Wallis test or Chi-squared test; +: p<0.05 for moulds or SEs+ versus moulds or SEs; §: p<0.05 for moulds or SEs+ versus H; ƒ: p<0.05 for moulds or SEs versus H, analysed by Steel–Dwass analysis, Wilcoxon rank-sum test or Fischer's exact test. ##: n=46 (mould+/–: 7/26, SEs+/–: 10/23, H: 6); ¶¶: n=56; ++: n=20 (mould+/−: 10/10, SEs+/–: 9/11).