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. 2020 Nov 10;6(4):00265-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00265-2020


The impact of sensitisation to moulds/Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins (SEs) (≥0.10 UA·mL−1) on clinical outcomes

All participants, except where noted Moulds/SEs+ Moulds/SEs Healthy subjects p-value# p-value moulds/SEs+versus p-value
moulds/SEs+versus H
moulds/SEsversus H
Subjects n 84 19 37 28
Systemic biomarkers
 Blood eosinophil count per µL++ 246 (143, 526) 449 (191, 737) 198 (117, 361) 0.01
 Serum total IgE IU·mL−++,†+ 137 (26, 431) 513 (389, 1020) 69 (24, 172) 44 (11, 357) 0.004 <0.0001 0.0002 0.99
 Serum periostin ng·mL−1++,+ 86 (74, 108) 112 (93, 159) 80 (73, 97) 84 (74, 101) 0.009 0.008 0.01 0.95
Upper airway markers
 Sinus eosinophils per HPF+ 66 (20, 168) 100 (56, 178) 60 (12, 156) 0.17
 Nasal polyps, presence§ 38 (68) 15 (79) 23 (62) 0.24
  Nasal polyps, eosinophils per HPF§ƒ 85 (6, 145) 125 (65, 262) 33 (1, 97) 0.007
 Eosinophilic CRS, presence++ 33 (59) 15 (79) 18 (49) 0.04
 Lund–Mackay score++ 12 (7, 16) 14 (9,17) 11 (7, 16) 0.41
 SNOT-22 score 15 (3, 35) 35 (23, 53) 22 (12, 41) 2 (0, 4) <0.0001 0.21 <0.0001 <0.0001
 Open Essence score 7 (3, 9) 4 (0, 8) 5 (1, 8) 9 (7, 10) <0.0001 0.98 0.002 <0.0001
Lower airway markers
 AQLQ points## 5.8 (5.5, 6.7) 5.9 (5.2, 6.7) 5.6 (5.5, 6.7) 0.91
 Sputum eosinophils %¶¶ 0 (0, 3.2) 5.5 (1.8, 57.5) 0 (0, 2.8) 0 (0, 0.4) 0.0005 0.01 0.0006 0.29
 Sputum periostin ng·mL−1¶¶ 7.1 (1.5, 16.3) 23.0 (11.7, 42.9) 9.0 (2.0, 14.9) 1.6 (0.5, 3.4) <0.0001 0.004 <0.0001 0.001
FeNO ppb 25.8 (17.7, 38.7) 41.7 (27.9, 73.8) 26.2 (18.4, 38.0) 20.6 (16.1, 26.2) 0.0003 0.04 0.0001 0.13

Data are presented as median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. Moulds: Alternaria and Aspergillus; SEs, Staphylococcus enterotoxins A and B; H: healthy subjects; HPF: high-power field; eosinophilic CRS: defined when eosinophils in sinus or NP tissue show ≥70 HPF; SNOT-22: Sinonasal Outcome Test-22; AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; FeNO: fractional nitric oxide (could not measure FeNO in one patient because of apparatus failure). #: Analysed by Kruskal–Wallis test; : Analysed by Steel–Dwass analysis, Wilcoxon rank-sum test or Fischer's exact test; +: n=56; §: n=54 (moulds/SEs+/–: 18/36); ƒ: n=38 (moulds/SEs+/–: 15/23); ##: n=20 (moulds/SEs+/–: 13/7); ¶¶: n=65 (moulds/SEs+/–: 15/30, H: 20); ++: n=76 (CRS/H: 56/20).