Figure 6.
Infographic of the history of malaria emergence and elimination in Brazil. Brazil. (1907) The Devil’s Railroad: the Madeira-Mamore epidemic. (1912) Introduction of quinine as therapeutic and/or prophylactic measure. (1930) The role of Rockefeller Foundation to the eradication of an African malarial vector in Brazil: a successful study case for malaria eradication. (1940) The American epidemiologist Fred Soper headed the campaign responsible for eliminating Anopheles arabiensis in Brazil, and used this example as the main reason for the eminent success of the Global Malaria Eradication Program in 1950’s. (1955) Chloroquine, a synthetic lab-made quinine drug, was a technological breakthrough in this period because it could be produced in large scales in an industrial approach. (1969) Initial successful outcomes of the GMEP with malaria elimination in some parts of the world were achieved. However, the 1968 magnum opus Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring buried attempts of widespread use of DDT due to its bioaccumulation in top predators in the food chains. This culminated with the end of the GMEP in 1969. (1989) Period of migratory influx and alterations of natural habitats in the Amazon during 1970–1980, concurrently with the new economic model named as the Free Economic Zone, settled in Manaus, which attracted multinational entrepreneurs, triggering migratory flow from other states of Brazil to Amazon. (2001) a new economic cycle began in the Amazon, aiming at empowering the overall economy, involving agroforestry activities, particularly fish farming, causing the development of permanent larval habitats for malarial mosquitoes. Treatment of P. falciparum with Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) started free for all ages in public sector. Insecticide Treated bed Nets (ITNs) and Long Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LLINs) are distributed free of charge to all age groups.