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. 2020 Nov 23;15(11):e0241437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241437

Table 2. Referral characteristics of private providers networked within Dhaka metropolitan area.

Factors Total N Chest Physicians/Consultants General Practitioners Internists/ Specialists Others p-value
n(%) n(%) n(%) n(%)
Networked Providersa 8466 1517 (18) 2511 (30) 2133 (25) 2305 (27)
Patients referred to SCb 51129 26444 (52) 3080 (6) 11021 (22) 10584 (21)
Adults 48894 25298 (52) 2948 (6) 10504 (21) 10144 (21) p<0.001f
Children 2235 1146 (51) 132 (6) 517 (23) 440 (20) p<0.05 g
Referred at least 1 patient 4270 745 (17) 1410 (33) 1044 (24) 1071 (25) p<0.05
Referred at least 10 patient 484 175 (36) 17 (4) 184 (38) 108 (22) p<0.001
Total TB Cases identified 8480 5302 (63) 562 (7) 1515 (18) 1101 (13) p<0.001
Pulmonary B+ casesc 6610 4247 (64) 346 (5) 1123 (17) 894 (14) p<0.001
Pulmonary B- cases d 1267 800 (63) 162 (13) 241 (19) 64 (5) p<0.001
EPTBe cases 603 255 (42) 54 (9) 151 (25) 143 (24) p<0.001
Referred ≥1 TB cases 1313 358 (27) 269 (20) 391 (30) 295 (22) p<0.05
Referred ≥10 TB cases 101 71 (70) 1 (1) 21 (21) 8 (8) p<0.05

a Exact enumeration of PPs in Dhaka is unavailable. According to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) 2013, 62% of the 64,434 registered physicians were involved in the private sector. Among these, one-third (~16,000) of the total estimated private providers were expected to serve in the DMA [27].

b SC (screening centre),

c Pulmonary B+ cases (bacteriologically positive pulmonary TB cases).

d Pulmonary B- cases (clinically diagnosed pulmonary TB cases)),

e EPTB (extra-pulmonary TB).

f p<0.001 in all comparisons between chest physician/consultant Vs all, internist/specialists Vs general practitioners, internist/specialists Vs others, other Vs general practitioners by chi square test or fisher exact test as appropriate

g p<0.05 in all comparisons between chest physician/consultant Vs all, internist/specialists Vs general practitioners, internist/specialists Vs others, other Vs general practitioners by chi square test or fisher exact test as appropriate