EPM metrics divided by sex. For normally distributed data, two-way ANOVA was used to separate effects of genotype and sex. For non-normal data, effects of sex were tested by correcting all values by the median wildtype value for that sex. (A) Ratio of time in open vs closed arms. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 8.4985, p=0.014. Genotype rank-sum test for sex-adjusted values, U = −2.4455, p=0.014. Rank-sum test for sex difference in Het mice, U = 0.52698, p=0.60. WT N = 12 males, 4 females. Het N = 10 males, 17 females. (B) Total distance traveled in EPM. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 14.70185, p=0.00064. Genotype rank-sum test for sex-adjusted values, U = −0.2594, p=0.79. WT N = 12 males, four females. Het N = 9 males, 14 females. (C) Head dips. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 2.0271, p=0.44. Two-way ANOVA, effect of genotype, F = 4.776, p=0.02, effect of sex, F = 0.88, p=0.81, interaction, F = 0.365, p=0.36. Rank-sum test for sex difference in Het mice, U = −0.6123, p=0.54. WT N = 10 males, 4 females. Het N = 8 males, 6 females. (D) Number of open arm entries. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 3.02627, p=0.22. Two-way ANOVA, effect of genotype, F = 0.264, p=0.61, effect of sex, F = 0.85, p=0.32, interaction, F = 1.31, p=0.26. WT N = 12 males, 4 females. Het N = 9 males, 14 females. (E) Average open arm visit length. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 3.16358, p=0.22. Two-way ANOVA, effect of genotype, F = 3.42, p=0.07, effect of sex, F = 0.479, p=0.49, interaction, F = 0.092, p=0.76. WT N = 12 males, 4 females. Het N = 9 males, 14 females. (F) Total time in open arms. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 6.4703, p=0.040. Genotype rank-sum test for sex-adjusted values, U = −2.479, p=0.013. Rank-sum test for sex difference in Het mice, U = 0.6527, p=0.61. WT N = 12 males, 4 females. Het N = 10 males, 17 females. (G) Total time in center. Pearson’s normality test, statistic = 1.2337, p=0.54. Two-way ANOVA, effect of genotype, F = 3.06, p=0.087, effect of sex, F = 1.14, p=0.29, interaction, F = 0.50, p=0.48. WT N = 12 males, 4 females. Het N = 10 males, 17 females.