Figure 2. Pogz+/- mice have reduced vHPC-PFC theta synchrony both at baseline and in the elevated-plus maze (EPM).
(A) Recording schematic and examples of raw local field potential traces. (B) Z-scored theta band weighted-phase locking index (WPLI) as mice approach the center of the EPM. Linear mixed effects model using timepoint (−3,–1.5, 0, and +1.5 s relative to center zone entry), genotype, mouse, and timepoint X genotype interaction as fixed factors and individual run as a random factor, p=0.00039 for timepoint X genotype interaction, t-statistic = −3.55, DF = 2355 for fixed factors, n = 274 and 316 closed-center runs from 7 WT mice and 6 Het mice, respectively. Wilcoxon rank-sum test for t = 0: U = 3.3738, p=0.0007, for t = 1.5: U = 2.0275, p=0.043 (n = 274 closed-center runs from 7 WT mice and 316 from 6 Het mice). (C) Average theta band WPLI in the open vs. closed arms of the EPM. Two-way ANOVA including arm and genotype as factors - significant effect of genotype: p=0.03 (d.f. = 1, N = 6 WT and 7 Het mice, F = 5.66). (D) Theta band WPLI for mice in their homecages: U = 2.2417, p=0.031 (Wilcoxon rank-sum with N = 6 WT and 7 Het mice).