Fig. 8.
Cumulative nitrogen inputs returned to the soil from vegetable roots and residue shoots following harvest in all eight systems (A) and averaged across the 1x and 3x seeding rates (SR) in the annually cover cropped systems (B) following 8 years of the Salinas Organic Cropping Systems experiment in Salinas, California. Nitrogen input by roots is based on estimated root biomass and assuming a 20% lower N concentration in roots compared to shoots [9]. The systems differed in compost additions (none versus 7.6 Mg ha−1 1 before each vegetable crop, oven-dry basis), cover crop type (legume-rye, mustard, or rye), cover cropping frequency (every 4th winter versus annually) and cover crop seeding rate (1x= standard rate versus 3x= high rate); see Table 1 for more seeding rate details. Symbols are raw data in order of replicates 1 to 4 with mean and 95% confidence interval (CI) in the center of each data cluster. The rectangular boxes below the system labels on the x-axis in plot B show the systems that can be compared to evaluate the effects of compost, cover crop frequency, and cover crop type.