Fig. 13.
Cumulative lettuce yields in all eight systems (A) and averaged across the 1x and 3x seeding rates (SR) in the annually cover cropped systems (B) following 8 years of the Salinas Organic Cropping Systems experiment in Salinas, California; yields are on an oven-dry basis. The systems differed in compost additions (none versus 7.6 Mg ha−1 before each vegetable crop, oven-dry basis), cover crop type (legume-rye, mustard, or rye), cover cropping frequency (every 4th winter versus annually) and cover crop seeding rate (1x= standard rate versus 3x= high rate); see Table 1 for more seeding rate details. Symbols are raw data in order of replicates 1 to 4 with mean and 95% confidence interval (CI) in the center of each data cluster. The rectangular boxes below the system labels on the x-axis in plot B show the systems that can be compared to evaluate the effects of compost, cover crop frequency, and cover crop type.