Figure 7.
Assessing the carbonic-anhydrase activity of oocytes expressing Rh proteins. a Colorimetric assays of carbonic-anhydrase activity of membrane preparations created from oocytes injected with H2O (negative control) or 12 ng/oocyte of cRNA encoding CA IV (positive control) or 25 ng/oocyte of cRNA encoding RhAG, RhBG, or RhCG. The value on the y axis indicates the time necessary for the color to change. We injected 100 oocytes of each type, made a membrane preparation of each group, and then repeated the colorimetric assay the indicated number of times. Other experiments (not shown) revealed that the time to the color change (~30 s) was the same after injecting either 25 ng cRNA/oocyte or 0.25 ng/oocyte. b Channel-dependent ΔpHS for CO2 addition in 3 oocytes from the same batch of oocytes used in panel ‘a’. c Channel-dependent ΔpHS for NH3 addition for the same 3 oocytes as in panel ‘b’. Values are means ± SE, with nos. of oocytes in parentheses. For panel a, we performed Student’s t-test (two tails) for statistical comparisons and for panel b and c, we performed one-way ANOVA, followed by Student-Newman-Keuls analyses.