Cellular uptake of dye(s)-loaded PGRA micelles and efficacy of
GemRA-loaded NPs towards PANC-1 cells. (A and B) PANC-1 cell uptake
of PGRA-micelles loaded with FRET dyes: dye 1
(3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate) and dye 2
perchlorate) (separately loaded), and mixed dyes 1 and 2 (co-loaded) as assessed
via flow cytometry (N=2), excitation was 488 nm and the
detection channel filters, ((A) channel 1, 530 ± 15 nm (red)
and (B) channel 2, 585 ± 20 nm (green)) were employed;
(C) cell uptake of the mixed dye-loaded NPs by fluorescence
microscopy, ((i) and (ii) show the bright field and
blue channel (LysoTracker™ staining) images respectively,
(iii) shows the green channel (co-loaded dyes) image while the
merged image is shown in (iv), the white arrows show NP
colocalization around the nuclei. Scale bars =20 μm. (D)
Cell viability of PANC-1 cells following GemRA-loaded NP and gemcitabine
incubation (***p<0.001, for significance, p≤0.05 based on one way
ANOVA with a post Tukey test) (N=4), (E) a comparison of cell
viability of PANC-1 cells following GemRA-loaded NP and drug-free NP incubation
and (F) flow cytometry results showing GemRA-loaded NPs induce
apoptosis (increased TUNEL-reagent fluorescence intensity) of PANC-1 cells
(N=2) (*p<0.05, for significance, p≤0.05).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)