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. 2020 Nov 23;20:1066. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05936-6

Table 1.

Distribution of episode costs (in dollars) for each factor variablee

Actual Episode Expenditures
N Minimum 1st quartile Median Mean 3rd quartile Maximum
 Female 2923 461.09 2272.80 5278.11 13,879.26 18,920.21 71,185.40
 Male 15 1676.08 3378.14 5310.87 14,962.33 22,495.87 60,645.54
Chemotherapy drugs
 Part B 828 1486.41 17,582.50 30,595.09 33,026.14 48,364.65 71,185.40
 Part D 2110 461.09 1766.81 3270.07 6373.39 6440.57 71,185.40
 No 2818 461.09 2214.97 4949.55 13,449.74 18,088.10 71,185.40
 Yes 120 1364.95 9037.30 17,372.43 24,101.19 35,220.38 71,185.40
 No PartDa 127 1111.65 14,545.65 24,983.93 28,798.25 42,946.34 71,185.40
 PartD LISb 130 461.09 1989.09 4872.79 15,087.51 20,435.59 71,185.40
 PartD NoLISc 1794 461.09 1888.15 3828.62 11,102.19 12,297.31 71,185.40
 Full duald 887 461.09 3625.93 7926.81 17,201.15 24,179.71 71,185.40
 No 2681 461.09 2154.71 4596.04 12,460.25 15,144.30 71,185.40
 Yes 257 1393.47 12,220.82 25,329.08 28,745.46 42,778.24 71,185.40
Trial participation
 No 2923 461.09 2271.26 5260.65 13,869.41 18,975.22 71,185.40
 Yes 15 2273.81 6065.91 16,671.52 16,880.54 18,742.96 48,306.45
 0 828 461.09 1639.29 3450.09 11,750.76 14,716.46 71,185.40
 1 727 461.09 2179.77 5079.50 12,080.17 14,285.17 71,185.40
 2 469 461.09 2872.91 5500.16 14,587.20 20,551.60 71,185.40
 3 288 461.09 2973.28 7702.07 16,603.32 24,587.09 71,185.40
  ≥ 4 271 469.21 5298.04 13,266.07 19,067.06 27,077.94 71,185.40
 New enrollee 355 461.09 2026.10 5079.58 15,468.37 25,367.09 71,185.40
Chemotherapy clean period
 62–730 days 1235 461.09 1677.36 3147.19 6540.55 6463.20 71,185.40
  > 731 days 657 461.09 2688.89 8603.03 16,839.45 25,329.08 71,185.40
 1–61 days 1046 461.09 3957.41 12,421.50 20,700.20 33,603.99 71,185.40
Institutional status
 Yes 14 3515.99 7298.26 14,258.97 22,597.47 34,961.03 66,192.20
 No 2924 461.09 2271.99 5260.37 13,843.07 18,831.37 71,185.40

Note: aNo PartD means no part D enrollment; bPartD LIS means does not have full Medicaid benefits but does have Part D with low income subsidy; cPartD NoLIS means has Part D enrollment but no low income subsidy; dFull dual means full Medicaid benefits (including Part D and LIS). eAge and HRR relative cost are continuous variables and not included in this table; scatterplots of episode costs versus age and HRR relative cost are shown in Fig. 2