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. 2020 Nov 6;10:514943. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.514943

Table 1.

Participant demographics and clinical characteristics (n = 120).

Demographic Characteristics HNC1n(%) HC2n(%) Statistics P-value
Age (Years, Mean, SD) 61.5±8.8 63.3±9.1 Kruskal-Wallis value=1.5311 0.2159
Sex[n (%)] Male [n (%)] 56(100) 64(100)
Female [n (%)] 0(0) 0(0)
Ethnicity [n (%)] Han 56(100) 64(100)
Other 0(0) 0(0)
Educational Background [n (%)] Illiteracy 1(1.8) 4(6.3) Fisher’s exact test 0.089
Primary school 16(28.6) 19(29.7)
Middle school 22(39.3) 33(51.6)
Senior school 11(19.6) 7(10.9)
College or bachelor’s degree or above 6(10.7) 1(1.6)
Marital Status [n (%)] Single 1(1.8) 0(0.0) Fisher’s exact test 0.2805
Married 51(91.1) 63(98.4)
Divorced/separated 1(1.8) 0(0.0)
Widowed 2(3.6) 1(1.6)
Other 1(1.8) 0(0)
Employment Status [n (%)] Unemployed/retired 35(62.5) 45(70.3) Chi-square value=0.50642 0.4767
Employed 21(37.5) 19(29.7)
Living Situation [n (%)] Live alone 4(7.1) 3(4.7) Fisher’s exact test 0.7039
Live with family 52(92.9) 61(95.3)
Per Capita Monthly Household Income [n (%)] Can hardly make ends meet/≤1000 2(3.6) 6(9.4) Fisher’s exact test 0.2813
Make ends meet /≤1000 54(96.4) 58(90.6)
Smoking History [n (%)] ** No 2(3.6) 17(26.6) Fisher’s exact test 0.0007
Yes 54(96.4) 47(73.4)
Alcohol History [n (%)] No 14(25.0) 25(39.1) Chi-square value=2.0894 0.1483.
Yes 42(75.0) 39(60.9)
Clinical Characteristics [n (%)]
HNC type /Primary lesion site Laryngeal cancer /Larynx 47(83.9)
Hypopharyngeal cancer/Hypopharynx 9(16.1)
Other 0(0)
Clinical stage I 22
II 7
IV 20
Underwent Biopsy [n (%)] Yes 56(100)
No 0(0)
Other Chronic Illness, Hypertension [n (%)] No 39(69.6) 44(68.8) Fisher’s exact test 1
Yes 17(30.4) 20(31.3)
Other Chronic Illness, Diabetes [n (%)] No 54(96.4) 59(92.2) Fisher’s exact test 0.4467
Yes 2(3.6) 5(7.8)

1HNC, patients with head and neck cancer (n = 56); 2HNC, healthy controls (n = 64). **P-value < 0.01.