Table 2.
Number of references |
315 |
Number of source organisms |
302 |
Number of unique SMILES |
1870 |
Number of compound classes |
70 |
Number of unique PubMed IDs |
154 |
Number of kingdoms |
3 |
Number of unique PubChem IDs |
1115 |
Number of biological activities |
82 |
Number of families |
58 |
Numbers of compounds identified for the first time |
515 |
Molecules with reported biological activity |
815 |
The data included 1,870 unique compounds from 302 source organisms from 3 kingdoms, belonging to 60 families (Figure 1). It was observed that the major contributing families occupying >50 % of the explored source species families were Leguminosae (Fabaceae) (∼20 %), Compositae (Asteraceae) (∼10 %), Asphodelaceae (∼9 %), Annonaceae (∼8 %) and Burseraceae (∼6%).