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. 2020 Nov 9;11(1):1818965. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2020.1818965

Table 1.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) symptom profiles, and corresponding items in the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ)

Symptom profiles
ICD-11 PTSD ICD-11 CPTSD Items in the ITQ
PTSD symptoms PTSD symptoms  
 Re-experiencing  Re-experiencing  
  Dreams   Dreams Having upsetting dreams that replay part of the experience or are clearly related to the experience
  Flashbacks   Flashbacks Having powerful images or memories that sometimes come into your mind in which you feel the experience is happening again in the here and now
 Avoidance  Avoidance  
  Thoughts   Thoughts Avoiding internal reminders of the experience (for example, thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations)
  Behaviour   Behaviour Avoiding external reminders of the experience (for example, people, places, conversations, objects, activities, or situations)
 Sense of threat  Sense of threat  
  Hypervigilance   Hypervigilance Being ‘super-alert’, watchful, or on guard
  Startle   Startle Feeling jumpy or easily startled
  DSO symptoms  
   Affective dysregulation  
    Hyperactivation When I am upset, it takes me a long time to calm down
    Hypoactivation I feel numb or emotionally shut down.
   Negative self-concept  
    Guilty I feel like a failure
    Worthless I feel worthless
   Disturbances in relationships  
    Distant I feel distant or cut off from people
    Detached I find it hard to stay emotionally close to people

ICD-11, 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases.