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Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Target gene upregulation is a major function of CBFβ-SMMHC in leukemogenesis. (A-D) ChIC-seq was performed on AMP cells isolated from Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M and Runx1f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M mice 2 to 3 weeks after pIpC treatment. (A) Number (percentage) of the downregulated or upregulated DEGs occupied by RUNX1 and RUNX1/CBFβ-SMMHC complex. *P < .05, ****P < .0001, between down- and upregulated DEGs by χ2 test. (B-C) Venn diagrams representing the overlap of DEGs between Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M and Runx1f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M AMPs (up- or downregulated in the Runx1f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M AMPs, same as below) and RUNX1 target genes (B) or RUNX1/CBFβ-SMMHC target genes (C) in AMPs from Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M cells. (D) Average binding profile of indicated proteins at the TSSs of the DEGs. (E) ChIC-seq analyses of RUNX1, CBFβ, SMMHC, H3K27ac and H3K27me3 binding at the Klf5 and Furin genes in AMP cells from Mx1-CreCbfb+/56M (blue) and Runx1f/fMx1-CreCbfb+/56M mice (red). Direction of the gene was indicated by black arrows.