Identification and analysis of early flowering N. caerulescens mutants. (A) Early flowering mutants (T10-42, T10-58, T81-27, T27-2, T64-35) and their St. Felix de Pallières (SF) wild type (WT) growing without vernalization. The photographs were taken 54, 69, 74, 81, 94, and 94 days after sowing for respectively, T10-42, T10-58, T81-27, T27-2, T64-35, and WT. (B) Relative expression of NcFLC in rosette leaves of early flowering mutants and WT plants. Both SF and GA WT plants are used. (C) Relative expression of NcSVP in rosette leaves of early flowering mutants and WT plants. Both SF and GA WT plants are used. (D) Days to bolting of self-fertilized and F1 progeny of the early flowering mutants and inter-mutant or mutant-WT crosses growing under non-vernalizing conditions. NF means not flowering. GA-A7 and GA-A2 are the early flowering mutants in Ganges (GA) background. Rosette leaves for expression analysis were collected when the first flower had opened. Expression levels were determined relative to the expression of NcTubulin (=1). Each value represents at least three plants ± SE. Asterisks indicate significant differences from WT, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, by Student’s t-test. Red and black bars in (B,C) stand for, respectively, SF WT and GA WT.