Figure 1.
Effect of KD on mice. A, Experimental design of treatments with SD and KD in mice. Experimental design 1: aralar+/− mice were fed a SD or a KD during one week before gestation and during both gestation and lactation of the offspring. However, KD had unwanted consequences in females' health, pregnancy, and number of offspring. B, Evolution of aralar+/− females body weight fed a SD or KD during the in vivo experiment. C, Percentage of survival, pregnancy and births of aralar+/− females fed a KD at experimental day 30. Experimental design 2: females were fed a KD when pups were at PND5. However, despite delaying KD administration, most of the offspring from females fed a KD were rickety; aralar−/− pups did not survive and a high percentage of aralar+/+ and aralar+/− siblings prematurely died. D, E, Evolution of individual offspring body weight under SD (D) and KD (E) from PND5 to PND28. F, Percentage of survival of aralar+/+, aralar+/−, and aralar−/− mice at PND20 SD, standard diet; KD, ketogenic diet.